Welcome to the latest instalment of my monthly Principal's Blog. In this post, I delve into recent Term 3 activities, upcoming teaching opportunities that are now open, and share news from our fabulous Book Week celebrations.
For the love of Reading
Last week, Richard Gill School enjoyed a fabulous Book Week, a celebration of books and literature, and a great way to help cultivate our student's lifelong love of reading. Friday saw our students and staff donning costumes inspired by some of their favourite book characters and the resulting mosaic of imagination and creativity did not disappoint. Students had the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair, noting their book wish lists and many families had the opportunity to purchase new books for their homes.
Richard Gill School Book Week 2023, Whole School
Richard Gill School Book Week 2023, Staff
Throughout August, students have also been participating in the MS Readathon, another way to help capture the importance and fun of reading and a perfect compliment to Book Week activities.
Thank you to everyone for your efforts across both book-related activities.
Music in the Regions
‘Music in the Regions’ at Richard Gill School, August 2023
We were fortunate to have Blanch and Grainger, a harp and guitar duo from Music in the Regions, visit us during the month and provide a complimentary performance and workshop for the children. Thank you so much to the organisers for offering to completely subsidise this opportunity for Richard Gill School, showing your support for the legacy of Richard and our musical vision.
P&F Bunnings Fundraiser - Volunteers
P&F Bunnings Fundraiser - Volunteers
Thank you to the P&F and school community for organising and supporting our recent “Bunnings BBQ fundraiser”. A lot of time and energy was invested by some of the core P&F members, and one of our staff members, Mrs Goodhew, even volunteered half her Saturday to assist. The fundraiser was a big success, raising a total of $1322.90! Well done everyone, and stay tuned for how the P&F use their raised funds for the benefit of our school and students.
While we’re mentioning Mrs. Goodhew, it’s important to acknowledge that it is Teacher Aide Appreciation Week, and we celebrate the fantastic work Mrs. Goodhew, and all the work SLSOs do in schools across the world to support students, their families and staff.
Wrapping Up Jump Rope for Heart
The school finally wrapped up this year’s Jump Rope for Heart, receiving prizes from participation and fundraising efforts, which were distributed to the children at a recent assembly. Well done again everyone on a fantastic job and for the great improvements made to your skipping skills.
Upcoming Events
Inaugural Athletics Carnival
The excitement is building as we gear up for our very first ever Athletics/Cross Country Carnival scheduled for Friday, August 8th. Our students have been eagerly practising their running and honing their skills in various athletic disciplines such as shot-put, javelin, and long jump in preparation for this exciting event. We look forward to witnessing the entire school community come alive with an infectious school spirit that's sure to be in full swing.
A special touch to our upcoming carnival is the debut of our school house banners. We've put in the effort to craft vibrant and dynamic banners for each house, adding a burst of colour and unity to the festivities.
Term 3 Student Performance
Join us for an evening of music as Richard Gill School students showcase their talents, in class and ensemble performances starting at 6:30 pm. The concert will be followed by a program of works from Upper Hunter Voices at approximately 7 pm; with both groups joining forces at the end of the evening for a combined finale vocal performance.
Presented by Richard Gill School and Upper Hunter Voices.
Day: Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Time: 6:15 pm Arrival for a 6:30 pm Start
Where: Atherstone Room, Upper Hunter Conservatorium of Music
Who: Friends and Family of RGS and UHV Students - All welcome
Free – No tickets required
School Dates
Please note that Spring School Holidays commence on Saturday, September 23, with students returning for Term 4 on Tuesday, October 10.
Staffing Update
Richard Gill School are advertising for generalist primary teaching staff for 2024.
For more information and to apply visit our Job Advertisement at: https://www.seek.com.au/job/69649191
To express your interest in future roles, please visit our employment page.
The Welcome Experience
Considering a move to Muswellbook to work at Richard Gill School?
Muswellbrook has been selected as 1 of 8 regional locations in NSW to benefit from the State Government initiative called The Welcome Experience, an exciting new service that provides essential workers and their families with the support they need to move into regional communities, settle in and become one of the locals.
Teachers considering relocating to Muswellbrook for work at Richard Gill School should visit the website, or contact Katrina Kiely at Muswellbrook Shire Council on T: (02) 6549 3897
We are excited to announce a SECOND Kindy for a Day session for the year taking place on Friday, September 15.
This is for families who are yet to decide on their school for 2024, and who didn’t attend our first session in Term 2. With no commitment to enrol, Kindy for a Day is an opportunity for families to send their child to “big school” just for one day, helping to decide if the school is right for them. The day will be filled with a program full of fun, creativity and learning.
To register, please visit our Kindy for a Day page.
In 2024 Enrolments are open to Kindergarten to Year 4 students, with limited spaces in all classes K-3 still available in 2023. To request an enrolment interview, please contact the school.
To view our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information and more visit our documents page or browse our website.
Yours in Music,
Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School