Richard Gill School Policies and Procedures
Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedures
This Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedures outlines the best way students, parents and carers can raise issues and access procedures to facilitate the resolution of a dispute or complaint. These internal procedures are a conciliatory process.
Code of Conduct Parents and Carers Policy
This code has been developed so that parents and carers are aware of and meet the school’s expectations regarding their interaction with the school, its teachers, other parents and students. Adherence to this code is important to promote positive and productive relationships within the school community.
Child Protection Policy
This policy relates specifically to child protection issues and is designed to ensure the school complies with child protection laws and regulation in NSW.
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
This policy relates specifically to preventing, responding to and providing intervention strategies with regards to bullying at Richard Gill School.
Enrolment Policy
This policy outlines the requirements for enrolment and maintaining a child’s enrolment at the school.
Fee Policy
This policy provides guidelines for the charging and collection of fees at Richard Gill School.
Student behaviour management policy
Discipline Policy
These policies outline the school’s policy on student discipline and behaviour management; outlining the process for class removal, expulsions and suspension.
Building Developments
Building Developments
Condition A15 of the Development Consent SSD 10380 for the Richard Gill School (the consent) requires Richard Gill School to make the information and documents (as they are obtained or approved) publicly available on its website.