Donations and Bequests

At Richard Gill School, we are dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience that nurtures the creative potential of every student. We believe in the power of music education and its ability to inspire, educate, and empower young minds. Your support through donations and bequests plays a vital role in helping us fulfill our mission and make a lasting impact on the lives of our students.

Scholarship Fund

We are committed to ensuring that no child is denied access to our unique educational programs due to financial limitations. By contributing to our Scholarship Fund, you can provide deserving students with the opportunity to experience the enriching benefits of a Richard Gill School education. Your generosity can change lives and create a more inclusive and diverse learning community.

Building Fund

As we continue to grow and expand, we have several exciting building and capital projects on the horizon. Your donations can contribute towards the development of a bus turning bay, the implementation of our Stage 2 construction program, and the improvement of our playground facilities. These capital projects will enhance our infrastructure and create an even more engaging and safe environment for our students.

Library Fund

Richard Gill School also maintains a Library Fund, dedicated to the development of our library collection, as well as the acquisition of instruments, school materials, and resources. By contributing to the Library Fund, you provide our students with access to a diverse range books that fuel their imagination and expand their knowledge. Additionally, your support to this fund enhances the educational experience by enabling us to acquire more musical instruments, innovative teaching tools, and valuable resources. Join us in supporting the Library Fund to empower students with a comprehensive education that seamlessly integrates music, literature, and the latest educational resources.


Leaving a bequest to Richard Gill School in your will is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy and support our mission for generations to come. By including us in your estate plans, you can ensure that future students have access to exceptional music education and creative learning experiences. We encourage you to consult with your legal advisor to explore the various options available for making a bequest.

If you are passionate about the power of music education and wish to make a difference in the lives of young learners, we invite you to join our community of donors and bequest supporters. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on the education and opportunities we can provide at Richard Gill School.

How to Donate

Making a donation to Richard Gill School is simple. All gifts over $2 are tax deductible and can be made securely by:

Direct Deposit
To Richard Gill School:
Building Fund

BSB:032616, Account Number:253264
Scholarship Fund
BSB:032616, Account Number:253272
Library Fund (includes musical instruments, general school items and resources)
BSB:032616, Account Number:248393

Richard Gill ACN details.

Please notify us when making a donation by using the following form or email to receive a receipt.
Alternatively, you can contact us by email or call (02) 65 431 900 for more information.

Recognition and Impact

We deeply value your support and are committed to recognising and honouring our generous donors. As a donor, you will receive regular updates on the impact of your contribution, invitations to special events, and recognition in our publications, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.

Your generosity enables us to continue Richard Gill AO's legacy and provide a truly exceptional educational experience. Together, we can shape the future of education, nurture young talent, and empower students to become creative and innovative thinkers.