Principal's Blog 027 - Teacher Mentoring, 100 Days of Kindy and Sustainability

Hello, and welcome to the twenty-seventh of my monthly Principal's blogs. In this post I discuss the National Music Teacher Mentoring Program, 100 days of Kindy, our Sustainability Grant and more.


Today sees the end of the third week of Term 3 at RGS. It has been a challenging start to the term, with absences impacting both staff and students. Nevertheless, the learning journey continues and we soldier on! 

National Music Teacher Mentoring Program

We are thrilled to commence our involvement with the National Music Teacher Mentoring Program (NMTMP), an initiative spearheaded by Richard Gill himself, and recently had our first visit from our incredible mentor, Miss Danielle Abbott. Both children and staff have learnt a lot from Miss Abbott in a short period of time and look forward to future visits throughout the term.

Music and Movement professional learning with Musica Viva

On Tuesday, August 2nd, Richard Gill School hosted Julia Rennick from Musica Viva who presented a 2-hour workshop on “Music and Movement”. It has been wonderful to partner with organisations like Musica Viva, who Richard and many others in our community have had so much to do with. It is an honour for our school to be involved with supporting the musical professional development of teachers in the Upper Hunter and beyond, and we thank the attendees and Musica Viva for choosing Richard Gill School as their venue for this learning experience.

Sustainability Grant

Earlier this year RGS was successful in applying for a sustainability grant through Muswellbrook Shire Council. Thank you to Alyssa, mother of Edie, for assisting with our application. Recently, we received our “C-Thru” bins, which will- assist the school and our children to separate their waste at recess and lunchtime, to divert waste from landfill. A great way to engage and educate the students in caring for their environment, which we are passionate about at RGS.

MS Readathon

Throughout the month of August, we are encouraging students at RGS to sign up for the MS Readathon, to encourage a love of reading and raise money for multiple sclerosis. We are thrilled to see our students and their generous families and friends have already exceeded our fundraising goal!

Please visit Readathon RGS Fundraising Page to support this great cause.  

100 days of school for Kindy

Recently, our Kindergarten children have celebrated their first 100 days of “big school”. Go Kindy!


In 2023, enrolment is open to Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 students. There are only 2 places remaining for Kindergarten 2023!

Enrolments for Richard Gill School are always open, and in 2022 are open to Kindergarten, Year 1, and Year 2. Our prospectus, enrolment form, parent info and fee information can be found here.


Elizabeth O’Neill – thank you for the donation of music teaching resources to our school.


There were some great articles about music education shared over the last month, two of which I’ve reshared below for your reading pleasure.

The Slow Fade of Music Education

Music Education Helps Improve Children’s Ability to Learn

Yours in Music,

Chris English – Principal, Richard Gill School